Creative teams of Imagining Science developed a number of visual storytelling projects for the NOMIS Foundation to represent and communicate with stakeholders in their international science network about the foundation’s vision and key activities in supporting high-risk basic research. The visual essays were featured during, or in relation to the annual NOMIS Award ceremony events.

The projects are result of an experimental approach towards corporate storytelling. The basic idea of the foundation is conveyed through the use of associative narratives and iconographies about science and the work of the funded scientists. The audiovisual formats make use of authentic footage, photography, illustration and animation. The narratives are screened as stand-alones, or in combination with experimental live performances that form an immersive theatrical experience. Imagining Science has contributed to the development of a visual discourse complementary to the foundation’s other communication initiatives.

Image film NOMIS Foundation

A film that tells a condensed story by a series of approximations to basic research by NOMIS Awards recipients and the foundation’s director.

Nomis Foundation image film (5.19) Imagining Science/ HSLU, 2021

The visual narrative functions as a carefully composed bricolage of subjective attitudes, positions and associations with science. The film is based on source material developed during the Imagining Science Award Film projects. Beyond portrayal footage the film is edited as an experimental visual essay that expresses the ideas behind the NOMIS Foundation instead of speaking about the organisation as traditional image film formats do. Due to the COVID-pandemic the film has been developed in a remotely organised production.


NOMIS Foundation



Project type
Film production, Image film, Visual essay
Project lead

Evert Ypma (production), Imagining Science/ HSLU

Project team

Concept: Max Bruinsma, Evert Ypma, Christian Gropper
Creative direction and montage: Zoé Buess, Ayla Feridun-Dziedzic
Design advice: Evert Ypma


Research: Melisa Sari Arslan, Milly Schloss
Camera: Severin Pomsel
Sound design and mastering: Christine Musics

Visual essay 2019 NOMIS Awards

This visual essay highlights historic examples of basic research, and how these have lead to present-day impact. The second part introduces the recipients of the 2019 NOMIS Distinguished Scientist and Scholar Awards. The extra-wide toneless video projection is screened as backdrop during the introduction speech. The compositions are based on photography, illustration, animation and film sequences and presented through VJ-ing software in an interactive manner.

Excerpt from the visual essay (Toneless, 2.34) Imagining Science/ HSLU, 2019

NOMIS Foundation



Project type
Visual essay
Project lead

Evert Ypma (production), Imagining Science/ HSLU

Project team

Editor: Max Bruinsma, Evert Ypma
Creative direction, montage: Severin Pomsel
Design advice: Evert Ypma


Animation: Louis Möhrle

With thanks to

Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute (GDI), Rüschlikon

Video message 2020 NOMIS Awards

Due to the COVID pandemic the 2020 NOMIS Awards ceremony couldn’t physically take place. Alternatively, NOMIS sent a video message to their international network. The value of basic research in life sciences was addressed in relation to the growing pandemic. In particular the contribution of scientists and institutions from the NOMIS network unraveling the SARS-CoV-2 virus was highlighted.


NOMIS Foundation



Project type
Film production, Visual essay
Project lead

Evert Ypma (production), Imagining Science/ HSLU

Project team

Editor: Max Bruinsma
Camera, editing and post-production: Severin Pomsel
Design advice: Evert Ypma


Animation: Nina Calderone, Maria Rehli
Sound design: Daniel Hobi

With thanks to

Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute (GDI), Rüschlikon

Visual essay 2022 NOMIS Awards

This visual narrative postulated the kinships between the arts and the sciences. Through historical and contemporary references from both fields the central notions of imagination and the creation of new insight were articulated. The essay was part of a performative introductory presentation of the NOMIS Award ceremony. It was combined with experimental music improvisations, images and film sequences, and accompanied by speech.

Excerpt from the visual essay (Toneless, 1.32) Imagining Science/ Unbound Trajectories, 2022

NOMIS Foundation



Project type
Visual essay
Project lead

Evert Ypma (production), Imagining Science/ Unbound Trajectories

Project team

Editors: Max Bruinsma, Evert Ypma
Animation, editing and post-production: Markus Eberhard
Design advice: Evert Ypma


Music composition/ improvisation: Jörg Ulrich Busch, choirmaster and organist Fraumünster church, Zurich

With thanks to

Konzert und Kongresshaus Zürich

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